Home and rules of exhibitors and traders



- Parking will be available to exhibitors and tradesmen juxtaposing the room.

- The exposure meters proposed to each independent club or model maker are unlimited.

- MODELING MANIA reserves the right to modify the number of meters available to you and if necessary, we will contact you for a reduction or a possible lengthening of your stand.

- For all sellers they will be charged an amount of 15 € per meter, they are also asked to ensure the security of their stands by themselves.

- Sales of second-hand models by exhibitors are allowed to the extent reasonable in order to preserve the primary activity that is the exhibition of models.

- A list of sites for nearby accommodation is also attached. The different bookings for accommodation remain the responsibility of the participants.

- For any further information you can always contact our exhibition manager:

  Fourneau Didier : Tél :      0032 (0) 495 300 021

                          Email : modelingmania@hotmail.com


You can also get information on:





During the exhibition, MODELING MANIA can not be held responsible in case of deterioration or theft of your exposed models, equipment and / or merchandise.

Participating in the exhibition makes you accept the rules and the respect of the places of the course of this one.